Doctor Strange embarks on a perilous journey through the Multiverse, aided by a diverse group of mystical allies. Together, they navigate through mind-bending alternate realities, each more treacherous than the last. Their ultimate goal is to confront a mysterious and formidable new enemy, whose motives remain shrouded in secrecy. With the fate of the Multiverse hanging in the balance, Doctor Strange must summon all his powers and knowledge to overcome this daunting challenge.
Release Date
May 04, 2022
Cantonese, English, Spanish
Benedict Cumberbatch (Dr. Stephen Strange / Sinister Strange / Defender Strange)
Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda Maximoff / The Scarlet Witch)
Chiwetel Ejiofor (Baron Karl Mordo)
Benedict Wong (Wong)
Xochitl Gomez (America Chavez)
Jett Klyne (Tommy Maximoff)
Julian Hilliard (Billy Maximoff)
Sheila Atim (Sara)
Adam Hugill (Rintrah (voice))
Michael Stuhlbarg (Dr. Nicodemus 'Nic' West)