The Minions, Stuart, Kevin, and Bob, are adorable and mischievous creatures who are always up for an adventure. In their latest escapade, they are recruited by the super-villain Scarlet Overkill and her inventor husband Herb to help them take over the world. The Minions are excited about the prospect of serving a master, but they soon realize that their loyalties lie elsewhere. Through their journey, they learn the value of friendship, loyalty, and the importance of doing the right thing.
Release Date
Jun 17, 2015
Sandra Bullock (Scarlet Overkill (voice))
Jon Hamm (Herb Overkill (voice))
Michael Keaton (Walter Nelson (voice))
Allison Janney (Madge Nelson (voice))
Steve Coogan (Professor Flux / Tower Guard (voice))
Jennifer Saunders (Reine Elizabeth II (voice))
Geoffrey Rush (Narrator (voice))
Steve Carell (Gru (voice))
Pierre Coffin (Stuart / Kevin / Bob (voice))
Katy Mixon (Tina (voice))